Recording your lessons: Blended learning in your classroom

Adding technology to a classroom does not need to change your playing field. What it can do is enhance your field order to make it more accessible to all who enter. Recording your lessons as you deliver them and making them available to your students is one way to do just that (Watch the video of Daniel’s Story, at the bottom of this post, to see how and why he does it!).

Blended learning can help you provide different ways for learners to access and interact with the content of your course through the use of technology and other digital resources. This can be a game changer for many – students and teachers alike! This is especially true in adult education:

Learners –> becoming more aware of how and when they learn best (and if not – blended learning can help them on this path!)

Teachers–> often working with students of multiple ages, abilities, levels – and sometimes even subject matters – in one room.

Some Questions and Concerns that surface when we think about creating digital resources for our students:

  • When will I find the time to do this?
  • Which resources fit best with my learners?
  • What resources fit best with my program?
  • If I provide content online, will students come to class?
  • When will I find the time… oh, already asked that one…

Teacher Stories
These questions are best answered by teachers who have already started to offer their students blended learning opportunities. Listening to their stories is a great way to see this theory in action and to reflect on how and if blended learning can be helpful for you and your students.
Daniel’s Story: Math 416 and Blended Learning

  • Teaches Math 416 at St Laurent Adult Centre in Ville St Laurent (Montreal)
  • Uses IWB (Interactive White Board) to record his lessons
  • Shares these recordings on Google Drive
  •  Allows students to have access to all recordings, even from previous sessions
  • Discusses the process as well as the benefits to his students
  • Also discusses how his teaching has not changed all that much

Find out when new videos and other resources are added on Twitter @tracyrosen and on

If you want more information about anything you read or viewed here, please contact Tracy Rosen and we can set up a time to talk!